The Tasmanian Transport Association is the peak industry body representing freight transport employers across modes in Tasmania.

Chairman John de Bruyn and the Board of Directors welcomed 300 guests to the Tasmanian Transport Association’s Gala Dinner & Awards Night, held Saturday evening at Devonport’s spectacular events and function venue; the paranaple Centre. Amongst those attending were Tasmanian Minister for Transport, Hon Eric Abetz, Senator for Tasmania Jacqui Lambie, Federal Liberal Member for Braddon Gavin Pearce, Devonport Mayor Allison Jarman, President of the Livestock Transporters Association of Tasmania Nick Hingston, CEO of the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association Rachel Smith, Vice Chair of Transport Women Australia Coralie Chapman, and local transport icon Chas Kelly.

The 2024 Tasmanian Transport Industry Achievement Awards were a highlight, with TTA Chairman John de Bruyn and Executive Director Michelle Harwood extending congratulations to nominees and award recipients. “It’s a reflection of the depth of talent and dedication amongst our people that we received a record number of nominations for awards” said Mr Bruyn.  “It made it very difficult for our award judges, and we recognise all award nominees, finalists and the award recipients and thank them for their contribution and commitment to professionalism and safety of the Tasmanian transport industry”.

Dinner guests were entertained by former Doug Anthony All-Star Paul McDermott, who was MC for the evening and who, alongside musician Glenn Moorhouse, performed songs dedicated to the Tasmanian Transport Industry members and partners, before Australia’s number one 1980’s tribute show: Stand and Deliver took to the stage.

Thank you to our valued industry partners who contribute to this event, particularly our platinum partners: NTI and TWUSUPER; our gold partners: Barker Trailers, BPW Transpec, Webster Trucks, Bonney Energy, AEI Transport Insurance, and CJD Equipment, along with our silver partner Gallagher.  Without their support such an important event, celebrating the success and professionalism of the Tasmanian Transport Industry, would not be possible!



The NTI Industry Achievement Award recognises a long term contribution to the Tasmanian Transport Industry.

The Award is also sponsored by NTI, Australia’s Number 1 Truck Insurer.

Shane Fairhall (NTI) with Sam Critsilis

Sam Critsilis

On the 1st January 1984 Sam started his longstanding transport career driving a courier van around the Melbourne CBD for Wards Express (a division of Mayne Nickless). Apparently his most treasured pick up during his courier deliveries and collections was his wife Julie! 40 years later, through mergers, acquisitions, business name and uniform changes he still works for the same company. This is an amazing achievement not easily replicated given the average length of tenure with a company in Australia is 3.3 years.  According to Sam’s nomination, the courier van driving gig was short lived when the company recognised the strategic advantage of Sam’s small stature and transferred him to a night shift job at Tullamarine loading and trimming cargo into the confines of a Lear jet with freight bound for Darwin.  Years passed and Sam worked in a range of supervisory and sales roles in Darwin and on becoming a father the decision was made to move back to Melbourne – but somehow plans changed and the family ended up in Hobart.  Through the integration of Wards and Mayne, and changes associated, Sam landed in Launceston managing the CUB warehouse, before swapping beer for aluminium and managing Toll’s transport operation for Comalco for many years. Fast forward and Sam is promoted to Operations Manager in Launceston – a role he still holds today.  He is held in exceptionally high regard by employees and stakeholders at every level.  He has a commonsense approach to getting the job done with zero compromise on safety, he has a wicked sense of humour, but equally he has a serious side and the stern, professional, managerial Sam is also much appreciated. This is just a summary of the nomination for Sam, and I hope that it tells the story of a man who has performed multiple roles in freight transport throughout Australia and who continues to make an important and valued contribution to Tasmania’s freight operations today.

Shane Fairhall (NTI) with Graeme Elphinstone

Graeme Elphinstone

When Graeme Elphinstone embarked on his engineering business journey 50 years ago, little did he know that his designs would not just impact but revolutionise the road transport industry. His pioneering work, such as Australia’s first on-board weighing systems, has left an indelible mark on the industry.  I will give you a summary of some of the innovations Graeme has designed and produced, and I’m sure that there are fleets in Tasmania and right across Australia benefitting from Graeme’s ideas.

In 1980, Graeme invented the first stretch mudguards, now an industry standard copied by many manufacturers.

In 1983, Graeme designed the world’s first self-loading road train with a 4-axle dog and introduced “Air transducers” for air suspensions.

In 1985, he won the coveted “BHP Steel Award” for innovation with the “Tri-Beam” suspension design.

In 1988, he designed the first Elphinstone B-Double. This was the first in Australia with a tandem lead and tri-axle rear B-Double.

In 1989, Elphinstone Engineering designed and built the first Easyweigh Radio Remote Indicator system, which features the ability to swap trucks and trailers without re-calibration.

In 1993, he designed the Easyloader log trailer and built the first tri-tri Easyloader in 1996.

2001, Elphinstone Engineering commenced the complete manufacture of loadcells in Triabunna.

2007, Designed and built the world’s first self-loading double road train trailer.

2008, Designed the Easyloader™ Long Logger — 19m single length loads on 26m B-Double (PBS Approved) Australian first.

2011-2013 Graeme developed the Easysteer™ suspension system.

Despite the initial struggle of road authorities to grasp the benefits of the Easysteer™ suspension system, Graeme’s persistent enthusiasm never waned. His unwavering commitment to his revolutionary design is an inspiration, and it is now starting to benefit transport operators.



The Professional Driver of the Year Award is presented to a Tasmanian based truck driver demonstrating an outstanding commitment to safety, professionalism and industry image.

The Award is sponsored by NTI, Australia’s Number 1 Truck Insurer.



Michael Triffett is one of SeaRoad’s longest-serving employees, employed as an LCL Driver for more than 25 years and he is one of our most valued employees. Michael has SeaRoad in his veins and is one of the most positive and respected members of the SeaRoad team. His respect extends to his valued customers over the years he has built an excellent rapport with all that he deals with and goes over and beyond the requirements as a Delivery Operator. Michael takes every aspect of his job seriously; he ensure that he complies with his Chain of Responsibility and shares his extensive knowledge with our younger up and coming drivers. His truck is the pride of the fleet, he treats as if its his own, and he treats every aspect of his role with the utmost respect and determination to make sure everything is done exactly how SeaRoad requires the work to be completed. In his 25 years of employment Michael has been incident free and maintains all allocated equipment to an exceedingly high standard.


Stephen has been a cornerstone of the transport industry since achieving his multi-combination qualification in 1997. In 2002, he joined Strait Link Shipping (formerly Brambles) with the highest of recommendations, quickly becoming an invaluable asset to the team. Over his many years in the industry, Stephen has consistently demonstrated professionalism, dedication, and expertise, not only in his driving but in the advice and guidance he provides to both customers and colleagues. Stephen has been an active member of the Wynyard Fire Brigade since 1987, contributing to the safety and wellbeing of the local community. Additionally, Stephen served as president of the Wynyard Apex Club. In his day-to-day work, Stephen’s primary routes cover North-West Tasmania, although his expertise is often called upon for long-haul trips across the island due to his extensive knowledge of the region and dangerous goods transport. He is a natural mentor, sharing his knowledge generously with team members.


David is a Multi Combination driver with Team Global Express.  He has clocked up more than 5 million kilometers behind the wheel in his 40 plus years of truck driving, including interstate long haul from NSW and Queensland. Spending 5 years based in Texas, David moved dry and refrigerated freight across 49 states in the US before heading back to Queensland and eventually to Tasmania in 2011. He has worked for Toll / Team Global Express ever since and is now moving into an A-double carting loads out of Burnie Wharf.  He has an unblemished driving record and a reputation for keeping his rig in impeccable condition, earning him the name “Shiny Wheels”. David’s paperwork, attention to detail and compliance is meticulous and is often used as a gold star example in the business when developing other team members.


Troy Bedelph has been employed at SeaRoad Hobart Operations as a Semi Driver since 2018 and has held a Truck Licence for around 20+ years.  In this time he has developed a wealth of skills and knowledge. Troy has completed work in and around Tanks and Side Loaders and has mentored a lot of up-and-coming younger drivers. Whatever Troy put his hand to he gives it his all and he does the tasks exceptionally well and coming from a background as a volunteer Fire Fighter for around 15 years, he understands the importance of safety and completing tasks correctly. Troy is the current holder of a Dangerous Goods Licence. Troy is a key employee at SeaRoad Hobart Operations and is multi skilled operator. He can work in all facets of the business from truck driving through to maintaining and controlling the yard operations and loading/unloading requirements. He is a highly competent operator for larger Forklifts and Toplifter and smaller Forklift for warehouse requirements.



Darren is an MC driver with Page Tasmanian Freight.  He kicked off his career as a Heavy Transport Operator in the Australian Defence Force. This role taught him the importance of discipline and responsibility, and he made sure to keep everything in check.
As part of this role he was required to Operate Road train – Australia wide , Arrange over dimensional permits, and Conduct operational exercises (eg moved field hospital) for up to 20 ADF personal. After his time in the Defence Force, Darren moved on to Driver Safety Services as a Trainer / Assessor. Throughout his career, Darren has not only proven himself as a skilled operator but has also created a culture of safety and support. His experience across different areas of the transport industry makes him a
true asset, and his dedication to mentoring others shows his passion for the field.


Troy Bedelph, Michael Triffet, Shane Fairhall (NTI), Stephen Brown, David Stellmaker


Shane Fairhall (NTI), David Stellmaker


The Gallagher Young Achiever Award is presented to recognise a young person who demonstrates enthusiasm, work ethic and future commitment in any sector of the Tasmanian Transport industry.

The Award Sponsor is Gallagher; insurance and risk management specialist advisors to the Tasmanian Transport Industry.



Molly is a highly valued member of the customer care team at Page Tasmanian Freight.  Her nomination details her commitment to excellence, eagerness to learn, and alignment of her work to the core values of the business.  She is not afraid to step outside her comfort zone and willingly takes initiative and assists with pallet control, warehousing and a range of other tasks.


Brady is one of the newest and youngest members of the team at SeaRoad, but he is not new to transport, having been introduced to the industry through his Father. After starting in the warehouse, Brady has recently upgraded his medium rigid licence to heavy combination and completed his dangerous goods licence. He is respected in his workplace for his happy and positive attitude and his willingness to learn.


Kyle joined Strait Link in 2020 and his rapid progression from Tasmanian Container Controller to Operations business Improvement Coordinator reflects his commitment to excellence and innovation within the industry.  Kyle’s team members rate his strong work ethic, constantly identifying and implementing opportunities for improvement, his customer centric approach, and his leadership.


Cody joined the team at Brianna almost 18 months ago, leaving his trade in sheet metal work to join the trucking world, sparked by his interest in the variety of work, flexibility and career progression opportunities on offer.  Cody is valued by teammates, providing outstanding service to customers, prioritising safe work practices, looking to upskill and improve, and making himself available to assist with more complex jobs.  Cody is working closely with the TTA as one of the faces of the Drive Your Future Campaign, to encourage other young people to choose a career in Transport.


James is a Transport Manager with Team Global Express who demonstrates strong leadership attributes including attention to detail and exceptional people skills.  His team members say that they can rely on him for accuracy and excellence and that he is meticulous, thorough, precise, and inspires confidence in the team through his approachable nature.

The recipient of the 2024 Gallagher Young Achiever Award is Kyle Hutchinson. 

The Award was presented by Simon Paris and William Unger, of Gallagher Insurance.



The TWUSUPER Transport Every Day Hero Awards are sponsored by TWUSUPER, the industry super fund for people in transport.

These Awards recognises those “quiet achievers” in transport; the hard working, reliable people who are the backbone of our industry and of our workplaces.


Max celebrated his 80th birthday this year and has worked in transport for 63 years. Max and Beverley built chicken sheds in 1968 and began a poultry feed delivery business in 1975 – and although the feed mill has moved since then,  Badham Orchards, Max and Beverley’s business, still transport feed today from the mill.  In 1983, Max took over his father’s livestock transport business.  Max is a member and strong contributor to the Livestock Transporters Association of Tasmania.  He is a quiet achiever, reliable, honest and well known for these traits in the industry.


Scott is the Warehouse Manager with Page Tasmanian Freight having been with the business since it was Allalong Transport.  Multi skilled, “Benno” is able to fill forklift, driving, and operations roles and is described by his team as a breath of fresh air who makes it his mission to check in on everyone, always ready to share a laugh or to lend a listening ear.  In the words of his team: “he is the heart of our team, a true everyday hero”.


Ros is a volunteer with the Tasmanian Truck Owners and Operators Association.  A champion for truck driver health and wellbeing, Ros is instrumental in the Longford Truck Run, raising funds for the Royal Flying Doctor Service, which supports our truckie health checks and our Open Road program.  Ros is there at every truckie health check day – rain hail or shine.  Ros has only one thing she truly wants in return – and that is to improve the health and wellbeing of our truckies, to put a smile on the faces of those ladies and lads that are out there at all hours of the day and night getting our freight to where it needs to go.


When crashed, stuck, rolled over or broken down, an unassuming 25-year-old isn’t what many people expect to be showing up in a big yellow underlift to get them out of trouble, but this is exactly the role that Seton Broomhall fills as Brianna’s Heavy Vehicle Recovery Tow Truck Operator. Seton was, at the time, the youngest Tasmanian to obtain an MC truck license, and had spent years observing and assisting in towing and recoveries in the family business.  He has now mastered the art himself. Seton’s easy-going nature, practical approach, and extensive experience allows him to conduct himself and his operations in a way which is both reliable and professional.


Although officially ‘retired’ from truck driving, Selwyn maintains a very active role in the Tasmanian Road Transport Industry and is known far and wide across the industry.  His nomination (by Linda Poulton for Trucking In Tasmania Group) states that Selwyn goes above and beyond to assist our truck drivers to improve safety and the environment within the industry. Selwyn has aided countless drivers and their families in times of despair, or with just general inquiries using his extensive knowledge and experience within the industry. He is a quiet, behind the scenes person, yet he isn’t afraid to speak out and stand up for anyone that needs assistance in anyway with anything.  Selwyn is a valued member of the Tasmanian Heavy Vehicle Driver Rest Area Reference Group.


Nathan is the Burnie Terminal Manager with Strait Link Shipping and has been part of the Transport Industry for 28 years.  Nathan’s most significant contribution goes beyond logistics. His passion for improving mental health awareness at Strait Link began after attending a powerful lived experience presentation at his local football club in 2020. Realising the impact such discussions could have in the workplace Nathan organised a similar presentation at Strait Link and has continued on to complete his accreditation as a Mental Health First Aid instructor.  Over the past 19 months, 60 employees have attended his sessions, and Nathan’s dedication to breaking the stigma surrounding men’s mental health has had a profound impact on the culture of Strait Link, making employees feel supported and empowered to have open discussions about mental health.



The Safety, Quality, and Environment Award is presented to an individual or business in any sector of the Tasmanian transport industry demonstrating an outstanding commitment to safety, quality and or environment.

The Award is sponsored by AEI Transport Insurance Brokers, specialists in transport industry insurance.

Team Global Express has rolled out a Critical Risk Management program that focuses on three areas:

  1. Unauthorized Movement
  2. Falling Freight
  3. Powered Mobile Plant/Vehicle : Pedestrian interaction

The process has been a significant investment of time and money to raise the bar when it comes to keeping people on the front line safe and has resulted in industry leading safety improvements.

Team Global Express hope that raising awareness of these aspects will encourage others to consider improvements to their business.

Finalists – L-R:

Tim Wedlock (AEI Transport Insurance Brokers), Geoff Gruebner (Strait Link), Duana Kipling (Team Global Express), Jordan Caleo (AEI Transport Insurance Brokers)

Strait Link Shipping has demonstrated leadership in safety, quality, and environmental responsibility through the successful introduction of the Peregrine, a temporary charter vessel, to the Bass Strait trade route. This initiative was essential to maintain uninterrupted freight services while both of Strait Link’s regular vessels underwent critical dry-dock maintenance. The project underscores Strait Link’s commitment to high standards of safety, operational efficiency, and environmental sustainability.  The project, led by Scott Cameron, has included comprehensive risk assessments, crew training and preparedness, engagement with Health and Safety Representatives at both Melbourne and Burnie terminals, and onsite familiarisation and inspection.  A precise digital model of the Peregrine was created, allowing the crew to practice navigation and berthing in a risk-free, virtual environment.  Strait Link further identified environmental stewardship as an important factor in the chartering of the Peregrine, and the vessel incorporates environmental impact reduction features contributing to its operational efficiency and reduced environmental footprint.

Award Recipient

Tim Wedlock (AEI Transport Insurance Brokers), Geoff Gruebner (Strait Link), Jordan Caleo (AEI Transport Insurance Brokers)



The TasRail Diversity & Inclusion Award recognises an initiative or program designed to advance diversity and inclusion in the industry by an individual or organisation in any sector of the Tasmanian Transport

Mick Saunders of Team Global Express Hobart Dept was recognised for fostering a workplace culture, backed by policies and procedures, that has underpinned growth in diversity and inclusion within their business, including delivering a leadership team which is 60% women.  The award was presented by Steven Dietrich of TasRail.


Call the TTA by phone: 0427 366 742 or email: - We're here and interested to support you and your business