Workforce Plan 2020 – 2023

Driving our Future Workforce

The Tasmanian Transport and Logistics Industry, across all sectors, is experiencing considerable challenges to attract, recruit, develop and retain the workforce needed to meet the freight task of today and the (pre-COVID) predicted increase in the next 3 – 5 years.

Transport and Logistics is one of 9 priority industries identified in the Ministerial Priorities for Training and Workforce Development.

The Tasmanian Transport and Logistics Workforce Advisory Group (TTLWAG), with funding from Skills Tasmania and in consultation with key stakeholders, has prepared the Transport and Logistics Workforce Plan 2020 – 2023. It sets the workforce development and planning priorities for, and commitments from, the Tasmanian Transport and Logistics industry for the next three years.  Although the Plan was consulted and largely developed before the COVID-19 crisis, the strategic actions recommended remain valid and some may assume even greater significance in the context of supporting an economic recovery.

Implementing the actions recommended in this Plan will require a collaborative approach within the transport and logistics industry, across other inter-related industries, with government, training and education providers and other stakeholders. This work will be led by the TTLWAG – the group with responsibility for research and advice to industry and government on workforce issues for transport and logistics in Tasmania, and the Tasmanian Transport Association (TTA), as the peak industry body representing the interests of transport operators in Tasmania.

As a critical service provider, transport and logistics will underpin and actively enable economic and social recovery initiatives. Transport is the backbone of the Tasmanian economy; facilitating growth in key sectors of construction, agriculture, aquaculture, and exports, and the Tasmanian government has committed to a record investment in infrastructure to underpin ongoing economic growth.

As an Island state, an efficient freight network within Tasmania, and connections with interstate ports and freight hubs, is critical to the continued economic prosperity of Tasmanian businesses and the living standards of all Tasmanians.

To enable the stimulus and recovery of the Tasmanian economy, it is critical to ensure workforce capacity and capability to underpin a safe, efficient, productive, sustainable and responsive transport and logistics sector in Tasmania.


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